Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Tarot As A Guide To Life

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Professional Tarot Card Readings By some of the finest readers in the World who are waiting for you now

The Tarot As A

Guide To Life

Tarot cards are tools used by people to help get answers or advice in the form of divination. There are 78 cards in a Tarot deck. These 78 cards are divided into two parts - the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Each card represents a different meaning. The Major Arcana cards relate to the journey of life and life lessons, while the Minor Arcana are representative of daily life and relate to the cards of an ordinary playing card deck. The Tarot is often used in psychic readings as a tool for getting clarification.

Tarot cards have been around since the 15th century. They were originally used only by members of the church and thought to be a way to communicate with God. Through history, though, they have been used as a way to tell the future or give insight into life. Today

There are a wide variety of Tarot decks. The most popular is the Ryder-Waite deck which uses the most classical art. This deck is the most recognized deck and almost ever Tarot reader has used it at one point or another. There are many options in Tarot cards, though. Some are very artistic or themed. They all have the same number of cards and all have the same meanings attached to the cards. However, in some decks the suits of the Minor Arcana differ slightly. In the traditional decks there are the four suits of the Minor Arcana - swords, wands, pentacles and cups. In modern decks these are sometimes changed, most often pentacles are changed to coins. This change does not alter the reading of the cards, though. Also in some decks the Major Arcana card names may be slightly different, they are often given more modern names.

During a Tarot reading the reader and the querent, the person getting the reading, usually both focus on the question at hand. The reader shuffles the cards and then lays them out. There are various layouts, called spreads. In the spread the position of each card also holds special meaning and is used to further get answers from the cards. The read then interprets the cards and usually adds in their own intuitive touch based upon psychic messages they may receive.

Tarot cards are really not a means by which to access the future. Tarot cards are meant to be used as a guide. They can help a person decide what may happen or what they need to change in their life. The future is not written in stone and changes with each decision or change in a persons life, so it is impossible for the Tarot to be able to predict the future. If a reader promises to tell a querent their future with 100% accuracy then they are not being honest or they could possibly be a fake. It is important when choosing a tarot reader that a person looks for someone who is honest and will be willing to explain the Tarot and how it works to them.

Getting a tarot reading is something that millions of people do all the time. It is something that is surrounded by controversy, but for those who are familiar with the Tarot, it is a great tool to use to help out with problems that can pop up in life. Tarot readings can help bring to light situations that the querent may not be aware of or things that may not have happened yet that could effect the querent. It can be a great tool for helping a person during a tough time in life.

By: Marissa Valentin-6548

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Marissa Valentin is owner and webmaster of a top rated free psychic readings resource website . She has been a psychic advisor for 34 years and has the natural gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience as well as an amazing empathic abilty. She is a master tarot reader and also utilizes runes astrology to gain deeper insight into problems and issues encountered by her clients.Marissa has taken painstaking steps to ensure only the best genuine accurate psychics and psychic services can be found on her website

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Traditional Tarot

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Professional Tarot Card Readings By some of the finest readers in the World who are waiting for you now

Traditional Tarot

The tradition of tarot is estimated to be over five hundred years old with archetypal roots that can be traced back to almost two thousand years. The traditional tarot has given way to the modern methods of divination, but it still remains a reservoir of ancient wisdom. The traditional tarot decks are the source of origin of the modern playing cards.

The history and origin of tarot is not very clear, though there are numerous theories supporting beliefs of its origin from various places such as China, India or Egypt. However, the oldest Tarot cards that are found date back to the fifteenth century and were found in Spain, Italy and France. According to historical evidence, traditionally, tarot cards were used as playing cards with pictures depicting conditions of life, liberal arts and virtues such as temperance and prudence. It is widely believed that initially tarot was not used as a means of divination.

The traditional tarot was adapted to contemporary styles and Rider-Waite Tarot, Aquarian Tarot, Crowley Thoth Tarot and Cagliostro Tarot are now considered the most elementary and traditional tarot card decks. These cards are designed on the basis of the historical cards and considered as ideal choices fro beginners. Rider-Waite Tarot was designed in 1909 by artist Pamela Coleman Smith, according to the specifications provided by Arthur Edward Waite. This deck contains seventy-eight cards with 56 minor arcana cards and 22 major arcana cards. However, this deck revolutionized the traditional decks by assigning pictures to the minor arcana cards. This deck is the world's most popular Tarot deck, which is preferred by beginners as well as advanced students of Tarot.

However, most of the Tarot historians consider all the tarot decks that were in practice used before the nineteenth century as historical decks. Traditional tarot decks are considered to be closely based on the decks that were prevalent in the Golden Dawn era. The A. E. Waite and Pamela Coleman Smith's deck is a fine example of traditional tarot decks. These tarot decks further gave rise to the more popular Rider-Waite deck and Thoth deck.

Tarot provides detailed information on Tarot, Free Tarot Readings, Tarot Reading, Tarot Cards and more. Tarot is affiliated with Reading Tarot Cards.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

How to Give a Tarot Reading in 7 Memorable Steps

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Professional Tarot Card Readings By some of the finest readers in the World who are waiting for you now

There are many, many ways to read Tarot cards, but it helps to
have a consistent method that you use each time - this way, you
can think less about how you're going to read and focus
completely on your subject, the cards and their meaning.

A basic reading can be boiled down to seven steps: Rituals,
Shuffling, Selecting, Turning, Reading, Discussion and Refining.

Rituals: Rituals are an important part of reading the Tarot, but
whatever those rituals may be will be uniquely yours. Some
people take special care of their deck, wrapping in a beautiful
cloth or keeping the cards in a special box. Other sleep with
their cards under their pillow, to increase their connectivity
with their deck, and many people feel that the must never read
their own cards using their deck. Whatever rituals you employ,
including the methods you use to lay out and read the cards,
keep them consistent. Before reading, make a silent opening
statement - a prayer or affirmation, or a greeting to your inner

Shuffling: Always shuffle face-down, so no one sees the cards,
and avoid bending the cards - this is no time for fancy tricks.
Beyond that, there are a number of methods of shuffling. You can
hold about half the deck in each hand, and insert one half down
through the other half. Another method, designed for maximum
hand contact with little damage to the cards, is the one
recommended by Norma Cowie in her book "Tarot for Successful
Living": Hold the deck face down in your dominant hand. Push
some cards from the top with your thumb into the other hand.
Then, push again, but this time to the bottom of the new pile.
Continue alternating a push to the top, then one to the bottom
until all the cards have been transferred. At this point, put
the entire deck back into your dominant hand and start over.
This method can be difficult at first, but your technique will
improve with practice. Stop shuffling when you feel that it's
time to stop, or if a card falls from the deck (and take note of
any fallen card, for it has meaning) and then return it or set
it aside. If you choose to return the card to the deck and the
same card turns up later in the reading, consider that

Selecting: Spread the cards in a line or sem-circle, face down,
above the area you will use for the layout. Ask your subject to
choose a card, then slide it face down to the first position
within your chosen layout, keeping it vertical, not horizontal.
Add new cards in the same order to complete the layout.

Turning: Turn over the first card from side-to-side, so it is
not reversed by you. Tell your subject the significance of that
card's position in the spread, studying the card to get a sense
of its meaning, both alone and in that position. Turn the next
card only when you're ready to focus on it, repeating until all
the cards are turned.

Reading: Using your knowledge of the Tarot or, if you're new, a
guidebook, comment on your impressions of the meaning of the
card. Don't just go by the book definitions of the cards - say
whatever comes into your mind. Look at the image on the card and
remark on the card's themes as they come to mind. Whatever your
first impressions are, they're correct. Then analyze the meaning
of the card in connection with its position and comment on it -
if a card is reversed, explain its meaning ("Upright, it means
_____") and then comment on its reversal ("But when reversed, it
indicates ______"). Do this with each card, saying what comes to
mind. Don't ask for validation from the subject yet, just share
any thoughts and interpretations that come to mind. Try not to
second-guess yourself or overthink what you're saying - you ant
to tap into your intuition, not your intellect.

Discussion: After you've given your interpretation of the cards,
ask your subject if anything you've said was particularly
meaningful as regards some issue in their life. If yes,
reinterpret the cards in more detail, specific to the
circumstances that they describe. If your client says no,
nothing sounds familiar, ask them questions and re-phrase the
themes of the cards - you may well be on the right track, but
need to explain the cards in a different way for the client
until something rings a bell.

Refining: Once your subject gives you some feedback, reinterpret
the cards in a way that's specific to the subject's situation.
Tell a story tying all of the cards together, explaining them in
as clear a way as possible. tying all the themes together, and
perhaps using a different way of explaining them which might
make it even clearer to the client. Focus on the positive
aspects of the cards, and stress that nothing is carved in stone
- the subject's actions can change the situation later. If any
of the cards indicate a negative event, explain again that the
subject is master of their own destiny and if they change their
course of action then they can remedy the situation and head off
trouble. Remind the subject that the cards only reflect what's
in his or her mind, and that they have free will to change the
outcome of future events. If you can;t get a good read on a
particular card, ask the subject to draw another and use it as a
modifier - read it in connection with the original card. If a
card was dropped or set aside during the shuffle, interpret it
as a guidance card, offering overall advice on the entire
reading as a whole.

Naturally, your style of reading Tarot cards will be unique, and
you may have a method that's very different from this one. As
long as you're consistent with your rituals and techniques,
you'll be able to focus entirely on reading the cards without
the distraction of wondering what you should be doing next.

Author: Cucan Pemo
About the author:
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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Tarot Deck of Cards

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Professional Tarot Card Readings By some of the finest readers in the World who are waiting for you now

The tarot deck of cards, usually 78 in number, is divided into two separate categories, the major and the minor arcana (arcana from the Latin meaning of closed or secret). There are 21 individual cards, referred to as trumps, and the fool card in the major arcana. The minor arcana have 56 cards consisting of 10 cards numbered from Ace to ten in four different suits. In a traditional tarot deck of cards, the suits include batons, wands, rods, or staves; cups, swords, and coins, disks, or pentacles. In addition, there are four court cards, or face cards, in a tarot deck, including the page or knave, queen, knight and king in each of the same four suits.

One of the most interesting cards in a tarot deck is the Fool. He represents both the number 22 and zero. Twenty-two completes the cycle or journey of the major arcana, whereas zero represents the god of force, a symbol of our unlimited potential. A circle, therefore, has no end but continues on and on, a symbol of God and infinity. The bright sun above the Fool is a sign of energy that melts the snow on the mountains, bringing life and nourishment to those below. In addition, there is more significance to the Fool card in the tarot deck, such as the bag representing memories, the eagle for aspirations, the white rose for purity, and the dog symbolizing the eventual course of evolution.

The number two card, the Magician, signifies the conscious mind or the ability to control from above what occurs below by the wand, the cup, the sword, and the coins. Thoughts of passion and desire are held in check by the wisdom and purity of the Magician. The High Priestess, the subconscious mind, reflects a balance or impartiality between the light and dark pillars, the two opposites of male and female. Her knowledge and experience provide the proper and wisest course of action in the link between the conscious and the subconscious.

An older version of the Magician is the Emperor, the ruler who controls the system needed for effective management of thoughts and desires. The Empress in a tarot deck is simply an indication of time. It represents the 12 signs of the zodiac, an indicator that eventually all thoughts and aspirations will become realties. Another interesting card in the tarot deck is the Hierophant, the teacher or our inner self. The Hierophant makes decisions based on reason and intuition, which he has gathered in the cycle of life through experience and wisdom.

The Lovers card symbolizes relationships and partners, the compatibility of male and female. In this card, the woman is the subconscious, the male is the conscious mind, and the angel above them represents the superconscious. In time the female gains the wisdom and inspiration to give to the relationship, raising it to a spiritual level.above the physical or materialistic world. Our will is controlled through strength and driven by the Chariot. The Hermit might well be considered the creator; he stands alone above the rest simply by virtue of his wisdom and success. The lantern he holds offers enlightenment for those who would follow. Furthermore, the Wheel of Fortune reveals to us who we really are and Justice corrects the mistakes of our past and makes them right. Interestingly enough, the Hanged Man is upside down, the way that others see us in contrast to the way we really are. In the cycle of life, the tarot deck includes the Death card, for death must come to everyone. However, the meaning of Death in the tarot cards is a transformation and rebirth of consciousness to a higher level.

In addition, the Temperance card depicts an angel, with one foot in the water and one on the earth. Similar to the High Priestess, she too balances wisdom and introspection with desire and doubt, further solidifying the link between the conscious and the subconscious. The Devil card symbolizes the lies and misconceptions we may encounter on our journey. Eventually, however we will reach the Tower with its bolt of lightning, an indication that we have achieved true knowledge and understanding.

The major arcana also includes the Star, often presented as a woman who takes from the pool of knowledge and relays what she has learned to the five senses of man. The Moon card represents our spiritual evolution from creation to creator. The tarot cards also emphasize the importance of the Sun for light and energy and the Judgment needed for an understanding of the link between the universal conscious of man and humanity. A final card in the major arcana is the World, which represents our place in the unending cycle of life, in relationship to an unchanging Universe.

The four suits of the minor arcana portray the various material aspects of life and the numbers, as interpreted through numerology, indicate the strength of the vibrations in each card. In the suit of wands, we see the realm of spirit, ideas, ambition, and growth in the fire, club, and creative cards. Our desires and feelings, not outwardly apparent, are reflected in the suit of cups by heart, emotions, and water. In the suits of swords, spades, air and intellect, the cards symbolize the struggles to bring ideas into reality. The final desired result is found in the suit of pentacles, where diamonds and earth represent the completion of the link between the conscious and the subconscious.

There are many types of tarot decks of cards, in a variety of styles, shapes, and number; however, their interpretation is basically the same in every deck. The reading of the tarot cards may prove fascinating to study. The tarot provides great pursuit for an occultist, or if you believe in the supernatural, or if you are simply curious about life and its ups and downs, and such aspects as love, career, and success. If you're seeking insight into the past, the present, or the future, perhaps you'll find it in the tarot deck of cards.

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Name: Sally Jordonia
Biography: Sally writes for Tarot Lines - providers of live tarot readings