Thursday, December 28, 2006

Welcome to TAROT CARD 2007

click on me and receive the meaning of each of the cards day by day

Professional Tarot Card Readings By some of the finest readers in the World who are waiting for you now


We would like to wish you a Happy


This is one of the most exciting times at

Tarotservices, as not only is it the busiest

time, but  also the most rewarding.

Many of our customers write to us and

tell us about there last reading, those who

come once a year, quote their reading

from a year ago, with wonder on the things

which were there. Their enthusiasum add's

to our holiday period.

So why not this year join them and have

your Tarot Cards Read by one of our

Professional readers who are waiting for

you Now.

All our readings are capped at our reduced

prices of  2000 (we gave a special that

Christmas / New Year of 20% off )

So our readings are at prices everyone

can afford


Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Origins of Tarot

click on me and receive the meaning of each of the cards day by day

Professional Tarot Card Readings By some of the finest readers in the World who are waiting for you now

The Origins

The origins of the Tarot are surrounded with myth and lore. It is hard to know for sure what the facts are. The Tarot has been thought to come from places like India, Egypt, China and Morocco. Others say the Tarot was brought to us from the Sufis or the Jewish Cabbalists. Still others contend that the origin of the tarot was from Moses. In the library of Alexandria, in Egypt, there were scrolls that were based on the Book of Thoth, an ancient book that came from Egypt's mystery schools. One theory is that the illustrations on the Tarot cards are secret teachings of the Book of Thoth hidden in the innocent pictures.
It seems that wherever there was a secret 'word of mouth' tradition handed down from teacher to pupil, it was hailed as the origin or beginning of Tarot. A large group believed it was the Gypsies who brought the tarot to Europe, the word gypsy being a corrupted version of Egyptian. That is highly unlikely, since evidence points to gypsies not using Tarot until the 20th century. Before that, palmistry was their preferred method of fortune telling.

The Historical Evidence Behind the Origins of the Tarot

It seems the only evidence there is to the origins of the Tarot can be found in the cards that were made in Italy, around 1420. The symbolism of the trumps can be found in the European art of the time, with some drawings being exactly the likeness of those found on Tarot cards.

History tells us that a scholar named Marziano da Torona, who was secretary to the Duke of Milan, may have invented the Tarot deck. Marziano was a scholar and an expert astrologer. The young duke, Filippo Maria Visconti instructed Marziano to create a game, using a deck that would replace the common suits of swords, coins, staves and cups. The duke wanted the new deck to have cards that represented virtues, riches, pleasures and purities. Marziano went on to create the card deck that Visconti wanted. He wrote a companion book to go with the deck of cards. It is on display in the Paris National library. In the book, there are no divine meanings to the cards, but no real rules for a card game, either. The book focuses on the symbolic meaning of the pictures and the different ranks of the depicted characters. Michelino da Besozzo is the Italian artist credited with painting the cards.

Is it plausible that the origins of the Tarot as the curious card game invented by Marziano da Torona? If so, why doesn't the book that accompanied the deck refer to the divination of the cards?

The Mystery Continues About The Origins of the Tarot

Where did the word Tarot come from? It has been called a Hebrew, Latin or Egyptian word. Is the word Tarot really an anagram, which when solved explains the mystery of the cards? Once again, the historical evidence of the origins of the word points to where the cards first appeared - in Italy. The cards were called Carte da trionfi, which is Italian for "cards of the triumphs". Later, a new card game was introduced, called Trumps or Triumphs. As it was played with different cards, the original Carte da trionfi became tarocco. In French they were called tarot.

What are these cards that are shrouded in mysterious beginnings used for? Are they good or evil? The Tarot is basically a set of symbols, which are printed on a pack of 78 cards. Regular playing cards have hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds as suits. Tarot cards have different suits, with meanings. The Wands (also known as staves or rods) point to creativity and energy. There are the Cups (or vessels), relating to emotions and friends; Swords cover the area of challenge and thought; the Pentacles (coins or disks) relate to money and security. The cards are placed in a particular pattern. A Tarot reader uses the cards as an oracle that can answer questions from the past, present or future.

The philosophy behind the Tarot is that the future is subject to change. If you are given enough notice, you can avoid the event you are being warned about. The Tarot makes you think, make you take steps that you might not have considered. When you ask a question of the Tarot that relates to the future, you'll be shown what will happen if you don't change anything. Many consider the Tarot cards as more of a counselling guide than a divining tool. Tarot readings can provide flashes of inspiration where otherwise the problems the person may be facing may seem insurmountable.

Do the cards that are used today, all over the world come from the deck Marziano da Torona created in the 1400's? Is the reason the origins of the Tarot are so shrouded in mystery owing to Anima Mundi? The Anima Mundi or soul of the world is seen as the vital force that presides over the growth and continuity of all living things. Like a Universal library, it contains the entire human races' memories and wisdom from the past, present and future. It can be summoned with deep thought. Imagine all the basic figures one could find in all religions, myths, legends and folklore. When combined, this wealth of knowledge is a powerhouse. To understand this more one can look at the Empress card of the Tarot. The very essence of femininity is represented in the Empress - she is the great mother Goddess of the world. She represents 'the eternal feminine', in myth and psychology. Does working with the images of the Tarot somehow allow our unconscious to connect with that human collectiveness? Does the Tarot become a porthole to the storehouse of answers to any question any of us has ever had? Perhaps it is because of the mystical Anima Mundi that we can't pinpoint the origin of the Tarot with certainty.

We may never really know the true history or the origins of the Tarot. Nevertheless, we continue to be attracted to the Tarot's wisdom, symbols and story.


Author: sally jordonia


Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Tarot Card Reading

click on me and receive the meaning of each of the cards day by day

Professional Tarot Card Readings By some of the finest readers in the World who are waiting for you now

THE READING- The most common and effective way to do a reading is the Celtic Cross. Each position has a certain meaning on its own and then the card is translated corresponding to the position.

METHOD: Find a card that will represent the querent. I usually find a court face card for the person. Read the meanings of the cards and pick the best one. Put this card in the middle.

Shuffle the cards as the reader first. Silently or aloud ask the spirits around to help you give a accurate reading.

Hand the cards to the querent by turning the cards so they face them the same way as they faced you.

Tell the querent to shuffle the question into the cards and to concentrate very hard on the question.

Take the cards back so they face you as they faced the querent.

Side flip the cards so that you once again preserve the position of the meaning. You can either stop and explain each card in its position, or as I do, lay them all out and get a gist of the reading.

After all the cards are laid out, take a look at cards. There are certain patterns that should not be overlooked.


Have your book and use it. A good reading is a mixture of the written meanings and your feelings and experience of the cards.

More than four of any suit or the Major Arcana in the ten card layout has special meaning. Overall, 4 Major cards mean that other forces and/or people rule the situation at hand and not the querent. 4 wands or more mean overall growth issues. 4 cups or more mean love issues rule. 4 swords or more mean strife. 4 pentacles or more emphasize material and/or money issues.

Practice with a friend or yourself for a while and write down the outcome of what you think the reading will mean. Readings usually take 1-6 months for them to come true.

Read a lot of books on the Tarot.

Read both meanings of the cards whether it is reversed or not. Knowing the total meaning of the card helps you give advice on alternate actions that will bring about a different outcome. I usually look at the positive side of cards in a negative meaning to give the person a chance to change their moldable fate.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Tarot Card Meaning

click on me and receive the meaning of each of the cards day by day

Professional Tarot Card Readings By some of the finest readers in the World who are waiting for you now

The Minor Arcana

The minor or lessor Arcana is divided into four

suits of 14 cards in each. Each Tarot Card suits

correspond to the four suits in a standard pack

of cards. But in place of Jack, Queen and King

the Tarot Card pack has 4 cards, being the

King, Queen, Princess and Prince. the remaining

10 cards run from 1 to 10 as in a normal playing

card pack. Their interpretations are conveyed by

the picture they carry.

The four suits represent the 4 elements of,

Fire,  Water,   Air,  Earth

and also the astrological signs associated with

each element. The symbolism of the elements

appears prominently in the court cards.

Flames are shown on those of the Wands suit.

Water on those of  the Cups.  The people

illustrated on these cards are dressed 

corresponding to their elements colours.

Red for the flames of the wands, and green

and sometimes brown representing the earth

of the disc.

The suits also represent other aspects of

everyday life.

The element of Water

Wand's are the action cards of those of

Aries Leo and Sagittarius

The element of Water

Cup's are the Emotions cards of those of

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

The element of Air

Sword's are the Mind cards of those of

Gemini, Libra and aquarius

The element of Earth

Disc's are the Money cards of those of

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn